Pottery Supplies Online

Northcote Stoneware SG266 White Satin Brush On Glaze 500ml


Do not shake container stir thoroughly before use
Store glazes out of direct sunlight at temperatures below 30°c and above 5°c
Do not add water to glaze. Adding water will increase the number of coats required for correct thickness.
Apply glaze using a soft brush. Apply 3-4 even coats to ensure adequate thickness.
Always fire glaze to recommended temperature.
Keep container lid clean and tightly sealed to avoid glaze dehydration.
Northcote Pottery recommends testing of all products to ensure suitability for your requirements as glaze application, clay type, firing atmosphere and glaze flow can vary greatly.

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Our Location

We are conveniently located directly across the road from the Suncorp Stadium.
Come down and say hello.
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Address: 51 Castlemaine Street, Milton, QLD
Phone: (07) 3368 2877

Opening Hours

Monday: 9 am–4:30 pm
Tuesday: 9 am–4:30 pm
Wednesday: 9 am–4:30 pm
Thursday: 9 am–4:30 pm
Friday: 9 am–4:30 pm
Saturday: 9 am–12 pm
Sunday: Closed

Closed Public Holidays 

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Call: +61 07 3368 2877

51 Castlemaine Street,